There is still so much history surrounding this homestead that I have yet to uncover. I am only just beginning to understand its story and significance, both personally for the current owners, but also in the context of the nearby villages and to Portugal. One thing is certain, this place has always been holy. There has been a temple for Nossa Senhora da Orada in existence for hundreds of years; one of the conditions for purchasing this property was actually to keep temple in case someone from the town came to seek it out. Pre-dating Christianity, they believe it had pagan significance as well. This makes sense to me. The general energy here, the secluded and almost hidden nature of it within the landscape. David talked about how the moon will sit symmetrically over the property, shining down in such a way that it's all very easy to imagine.
It so happened that last night was this month's full moon. I watched it rise over the course of a few hours, peaking directly in the center of the hill. The shaman that was here recently apparently commented on our valley's particular "vibrations". I have to say that last night I really felt I could feel them too. The air here is so clear and crisp here, it felt like the brightest moon I had ever seen, so bright it actually created shadows.
Tonight, as it wanes, we are still illuminated such that one could easily take a walk without aid of a flashlight. But as it stands I am once again exhausted from a long day of good hard work and only looking forward to another deep and bright sleep.