I wish I had more to show for myself in regard to the fine city of Stockholm.
It was just the city dose I needed: museums, shops, cold beverages, conversations that didn't revolve around weather forecasts and animal husbandry. But did I wander by foot throughout the majority of Stockholm? Not even close. Did I cross all sorts things to do and see off my list? Barely. But I did on the other hand enjoy the incredible company of friends old and new, sit for hours in beautiful parks, see a strange soap box derby, drink shameful amounts of overpriced espresso, sample the Stockholm bar scene, have my share of "people's beer" after last call, and, by the way, witness a full blown drunken bloody brawl at a 7-11 circa three in the morning.
So I shall unfortunately be useless as your Stockholm tour guide. And when I tell people I have traveled there I hope I am not pressed for lengthy detail.
But I will say that I am feeling mentally restored and a little more like myself as a result of the touristy slacking I just indulged myself with. Not to mention slightly more up to date on current events in the world.
So Stockholm... I knew you when! Next stop Norway!