I really didn't expect to fall in love with this tiny port of call named Bergen. But believe me when I tell you I have been completely seduced.
It's almost as if the entire country of Norway is like the lover I have been looking for my entire life: incredibly charming, easy on the eyes, full of surprises...
One of which was that the sun would shine bright, just for me, for almost the entire day in an area known for its near constant rain. The result? A ride up a funicular, an unexpected five or so hours walking in an insane mountain forest replete with old ski routes, abandoned ski huts, huge lakes, moss covered trees, winding trails, more mountains beyond mountains, more beautiful scenery than this brain can even take!
I couldn't imagine a better gift. And only at the moment I set my foot back in the main town, ready to return to my beloved guest house, did the raindrops begin to fall.
Oh Bergen, you shouldn't have.