I did make a rather triumphant return to Copenhagen and spent a very long, pleasant day wandering through its streets. I kept finding myself compelled to sit a spell along canals and waterways with bright colored houses and tourists a plenty. In these particular areas, Copenhagen really reminds me of Amsterdam (a city I love) but it's otherwise incomparable. The mix of uber-Scandinavian design and pop culture (the kind you think of when you think of Denmark) juxtapositioned with all its stuffiness and centuries old formality and what not, will now forever go down as my limited impression of a city I barely got to know. From my removed vantage point, the best parts were the tiny surprise streets that a tourist would otherwise have no need to venture through. Those moments reminded me of my little street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and I can imagine just how lame I'd find that neighborhood to be if I weren't already in love with it. Hopefully I'll be able to return one day as less of a transient, aspiring farm-hand who's wandering around without anyone to provide the inside quotidian scoop. Until then, I will still be sufficiently charmed.
CPH Epilogue: the first tragedy of Vision Quest 2011 aka Scandinadia will be the official failure at acquiring the elusive floderboller. A little spot called Summerbird had been rumored to offer perhaps the very best. Unfortunately, their opening hours (or more importantly closing hours) foiled me not once but twice. A not so tiny tear for my sweet tooth.